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Grief, Loss & Life Transitions
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In the acute stage of grief following a bereavement or loss, strong feelings can arise of shock, denial, numbness, blame, longing, sadness, bitterness, anger, guilt, and shame. The range and ferocity of these emotions can leave you feeling completely overwhelmed.

Grief and loss can be triggered not only by bereavement but by a range of events, such as the breakdown of a relationship, divorce, an unborn child, infertility, abuse, assault, work lay-offs, job promotion, and physical or mental health conditions. Other losses like loss of trust, self-esteem, independence, sense of safety, or a previously held view of the world may be less visible.

Grieving is a process that allows our vulnerability to remain afloat in the turbulent sea of grief, loss and transition. It is like swimming in the ‘sea of broken dreams’ because of the heartache, uncertainty, a sense that you are out of your depth with a fear of drowning in your loss and loneliness. The journey through it is unique for each individual. It encompasses the heart, mind, body and spirit. My role will be to gently guide you towards a shore where your past dreams will be treasured and a safe space created on solid ground for your new hope and a vision of you to emerge that embraces your resilience, courage and authentic self.

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You or your family member may seek support and help to address addiction-related problems. I offer you a safe and confidential environment to begin the healing process of rebuilding your life. There are two categories of addiction: Substance Addiction and Process Addiction.

Substance addiction covers the following categories: addiction to prescribed medicine, alcohol, nicotine, illegal drugs & substances.

Process addiction, sometimes called behavioural addiction, include excessive gambling, internet browsing/gaming/pornography, sex, eating disorders, work, and shopping.

Both categories of addiction thrive behind walls of secrecy, justification and denial. When someone learns to fill the empty space in their heart and soul with the truth and potential of recovery, they become open to discovering that the need to numb the pain in their life with active addiction diminishes greatly.
Understanding and accepting the roots and nature of their addiction is an essential step towards sustainable recovery.  Everyone is unique in their life experiences and
I will tailor your treatment to reflect your individual needs.

Stress Management
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We live in a stressful world. Most of the time, we manage to juggle all the demands that are placed on us or that we place on ourselves. When we start to feel overwhelmed by our ‘to-do’ list or by outside influences, it is time to stop and reflect on what is driving the stress in our life. Could it be a need for perfection, a fear of failure, or are there other underlying or external issues that will assist the understanding of your current situation?

Stress can be beneficial. It is a normal human response that can help to motivate us. Stress can provide the adrenaline rush to protect us in times of danger. However, if you feel overwhelmed by stress for an extended period, it can seriously impact your mental and physical health.

Awareness allows you to recognise the contributing factors and behaviours that produce stress.
Stress management techniques will develop your awareness at a physical, psychological, and emotional level. The techniques that you will learn have the potential to significantly reduce your stress levels and help you learn to stay emotionally steady and in control even when faced with challenging situations.

Gender-Specific Issues
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Please don't wait until it's a crisis. It is not a sign of strength or toughness to avoid problems causing difficulties in your life. It is a sign of strength when you confront them. You can take the first step and begin the conversation with me. It is good to talk about what is going on for you. You will receive non judgemental support in a safe and confidential environment.

Whether it is interpersonal skills to manage difficult bosses and co-workers, preparing for and adjusting to parenthood and family life, or caring for or renegotiating relationships with ageing parents. Workplace issues, obsessive thinking, sadness, feelings of isolation, depression, sleep problems, retirement, and conflict management.

Recent research in Ireland shows that although men's and women's social and economic roles are changing, traditional values and attitudes towards gender remain prevalent.
Boys and young men continue to be socialised to appear in control, to be strong and to take risks, thus reinforcing their exposure to illness and accidental deaths. Men are nearly four times more likely to commit suicide. You can help change these trends for the better. Let's talk now rather than later.

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